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Knowledge Graph Exploration and Analysis platform

FeaturesQuick InstallationDocumentationDemo


  • Seamless import of Knowledge Bases from LOD Cloud and Triply DB
  • Interact with external SPARQL endpoints
  • Create persistent reports and share them with others
  • Run SPARQL or pre-built analysis queries
  • Explore knowledge graph with interactive visualizations
  • Pick unseen terms with fuzzy search


A live demo of BOLD can be found here.

Log in with the following credentials: * Username: demo * Password: demodemo


Visit BOLD documentation for more information.

Quick Installation

You can quickly spin up a BOLD instance using Docker. Copy docker-compose.full.yml to docker-compose.yml. It provides all services that BOLD needs and runs BOLD itself. Use it by running docker compose up -d, you should see several services starting.

Once they have all started, you should be able to access BOLD at http://localhost:8000.

Log in with the following credentials: * Username: admin * Password: admin

Development Installation

Copy to docker-compose.yml. Use it by running docker compose up -d, you should see several services starting. They will run in the background, the application will only work if they are running which you can check with docker ps. After following the preparation steps below once, you should be able to run make start_dev to start developing the project.

Prepare the Front-end

Go into the ./frontend folder. Make sure yarn is installed so you can do a yarn install.

Checkout the avaiable scripts in the package.json, you should be able to run yarn start It should start a development server and open the webbrowser with the frontend. Make sure the backend is also running, see the preparation for it below.

Prepare the Back-end

Go into the ./backend folder. Make sure you have poetry for python installed, as you can install the project dependencies with it. Run poetry install to make it install the packages listed in pyproject.toml. It creates a virtual environment in which the dependencies are installed.


This work was supported by SIDN Fonds.

This project is tested with BrowserStack