Zotero synchronization to Notion is a core component of NotionSci. Currently, only one way References and Collections sync is supported.
Setting up Connection
It is highly encouraged to separate api keys for certain library scopes. If you need to access multiple Zotero libraries you can create a separate profile for each.
To obtain your Zotero api credentials you need to follow the following steps:
- You'll need the ID of the personal or group library you want to access:
- Your personal library ID is available here, in the section
Your userID for use in API calls
- For group libraries, the ID can be found by opening the group's page:
, and hovering over thegroup settings
link. The ID is the integer after/groups/
- Your personal library ID is available here, in the section
- You'll also need† to get an API key [here][https://www.zotero.org/settings/keys/new]
- Are you accessing your own Zotero library?
- Are you accessing a shared group library?
Update the configuration with the obtained credentials:
library_id: '123456'
library_type: 'user'
token: ''
This sections assumes you already have a working Notion connection → See Docs.
Duplicating the Project Template
To get started with synchronization your workspace needs to have a page with the Zotero Library Template. You can duplicate it either manually or if you have Unofficial API set up you can run the following command:
notionsci sync zotero template <parent page url or id>
Usage: python -m notionsci sync zotero template [OPTIONS] PARENT
Duplicates the standard Zotero Library template page to your workspace under
the given parent page
PARENT: Destination parent page ID or url
--help Show this message and exit.
Collections Sync (One Way)
It is possible to sync Zotero Collection tree to Notion. To do this you need to pass the url of your "Zotero Collections" page to the following command:
notionsci sync zotero collections <url or id of the cloned library template page>
Usage: python -m notionsci sync zotero collections [OPTIONS] TEMPLATE
Starts a one way Zotero references sync to Notion
TEMPLATE: Cloned template page ID or url
--force Ensures up to date items are also pushed to Zotero
--help Show this message and exit.
References Sync (One Way)
To synchronize your references (Papers, Books, Articles, etc.) you need to pass url of your "Zotero References" page to the following command.
notionsci sync zotero refs <url or id of the cloned library template page>
To include the reference to collection relations you can also specify the collections database.
notionsci sync zotero refs <url or id of the cloned library template page>
Usage: python -m notionsci sync zotero refs [OPTIONS] TEMPLATE
Starts a one way Zotero references sync to Notion
TEMPLATE: Cloned template page ID or url
When collecitons option is specified Unofficial Notion Api access is
--force Ensures up to date items are also pushed to Zotero
--help Show this message and exit.